Bronx-waiter mistakenly receives Bryce Harper news…..from not Bryce Harper


The Bryce Harper sweepstakes took a hilarious turn on Thursday when a New York waiter thought he had a tip that Harper had decided on the Yankees.

Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher Trevor Williams was out at a restaurant with his wife Jackie when their waiter mistook him for the 6-time All Star (Harper). Williams--being a good sport--decided to play along, telling the waiter, a Bronx-native, that he was going to sign with the Yankees this offseason.

While the mistake is hilarious, you can’t completely blame the waiter, as you can easily see the resemblance between Williams and Harper.

MLB fans had a blast joking with Williams in the comment section, with “Thicc Bryce Harper” qualifying as one of the funnier nicknames laid on Williams due to the incident. 

But alas, the waiter will be like every other MLB fan, as we cling to every piece of news waiting for some indication of which way Harper and Machado are leaning. 


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