Donald Trump officially names Cubs' Todd Ricketts to cabinet


What a difference a few months make.

In the first week of spring training, Donald Trump sent out a cryptic Tweet about the "Rickets" (sic) family secretly spending money against his presidential campaign and having "a lot to hide." 

Fast forward to the final day of November and Trump has now named Todd Ricketts to his cabinet as Deputy Secretary of Commerce:

Ricketts — possibly best known for his appearance on "Undercover Boss" in 2010 working odd jobs at Wrigley Field — has left the Cubs work to brother Tom as the chairman of the World Champion franchise.

The Ricketts family has been heavily involved in politics even during their time as owners of the Cubs, with a Super Pac againt President Obama by patriarch Joe Ricketts and funding for Republican candidate Scott Walker during the primaries before Trump became the Republican presidential candidate.

Pete Ricketts — Todd's brother — is currently the Governor of Nebraska.

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