Kaplan: Camp Sveum focused on fundamentals


For the returning crop of Cubs, life under new Cubs manager Dale Sveum is radically different from Spring Training 2011 under former manager Mike Quade.

Under Quade, fundamentals were discussed and worked on but nowhere to the degree that they are at Camp Sveum. Besides the nearly camp long bunting tournament that saw everyone's pick to win it, Tony Campana knocked out in the first round, the coaching staff is harping on fundamentals to a degree never seen at a recent Cubs camp.

This morning is team photo day at Fitch Park with workouts starting at 9:30 am (AZ time). The most anticipated bunting match up of the tournament is on tap for this afternoon when Kerry Wood will battle Sveum.

I will also be starting a photo gallery of our week at spring training as our camera man Jason Dolan and I are here all week long. For those of you back in the Midwest we'll make sure to send back plenty of shots of the sunshine. Enjoy and I'll be back at you throughout the week as news happens.

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