The Cubs' war against PECOTA's 2019 projections rages on


It seems the Cubs and PECOTA have legitimate beef. 

This all started when PECOTA, Baseball Prospectus' annual projection system, released their 2019 predictions.

Things don't look so great for the Cubs over at BP, as the system originally projected an 82-win, 3rd place finish. Then, the beef intensified when PECOTA adjusted that prediction, taking two wins away from the Cubs and throwing them in last place. 

Of course, when asked, Cubs players were mostly dismissive of a random computer's random projections: 

Then, this fantastic nugget showed up at the Cubs' Spring Training facility -- and Twitter soon after -- on Monday morning: 

Slapping PECOTA's projections on the workout sheet during the full team's FIRST day of camp does not seem like "zero interest" to me, but what do I know. Never too early for bulletin board material! 

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