Ozzie: empty-handed, but not empty


Monday, Sept. 26, 2011Posted: 6:02 p.m.Updated: 6:40 p.m.

By Brett Ballantini
CSNChicago.com White Sox InsiderFollow @CSNChi_Beatnik
CHICAGOWhispers turned to screams over Chicago White Sox managers meeting with team owner Jerry Reinsdorf and tea leaf reading erupted in full force before the game in the clubhouse, but in the end, it was much ado aboutmore money.

Guillen was forthcoming about his half-hour meeting at Reinsdorfs United Center office, but in terms of takeaways, there were none: I dont want to say empty-handed, because I left there letting him know what I wanted.

Now, Ozzie waits, as he says, two more days until seasons end and he leaves for a postseason vacation in Spain.

He indicated he understood the process it would take as Reinsdorf fully digests his demands: He cant just send Kenny to the ATM and take out a million dollars. As for whether he would just go in and demand, say, 2 million for next year, Ozzie was aghast: Hell no, Im not stupid!

While Guillen spoke often about knowing his worth and needing more money to continue managing the White Sox (f--- more yearsI want more money), he would not be happy simply with a raise for next season, telling me directly that he needs both additional years and more money.

Otherwise, well be in the same place next year, spring training, youll be asking me about the next year, he said.

Guillen implied that if he didnt want to be in Chicago, he could have behaved differently this season, stating directly that I had a great chance to be fired this season if he wanted that. He also stated that he doesnt want to be a day-to-day guy, implying strongly that if forced to come back and serve out the current terms of his contract, he will cause trouble.

As for whether he had a feel about how things would work out, he admitted he did not have a true gut feeling about how things will work out. But because this saga has been playing out for at least a year, the entire Guillen family is ready for anything: When you prepare for a hurricane, youll be OK.

Brett Ballantini is CSNChicago.com's White Sox Insider. Follow him @CSNChi_Beatnik on Twitter for up-to-the-minute Sox information.

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