IHSA releases statement on attack on Texas football official


Two high school football players' in-game attack on a Texas official has sent shockwaves around the nation, and Tuesday morning the IHSA released a statement on the topic.

Two players from John Jay High School were ejected last Friday night when they allegedly targeted the game's back judge, with one player leveling him from behind, causing his head to snap back as he fell to the ground. Once on the ground, a second player lowered his helmet and struck the official as he too went to the ground. Both players also have been suspended from school, and though no arrests have been made the referee may press charges against the two players.

The IHSA's Craig Anderson said in a statement Tuesday:

Obviously these are actions that are not tolerable in any walk of society, but they represent an even more dangerous perspective on how we as a society view and treat the individuals who govern our games. The photo from Monticello is a great representation of who IHSA officials are at their core. They are members of communities, who officiate to remain connected to the games that they often played and coached. They love the game and enjoy being around it. They sacrifice time away from family and friends to give back, and most find more value in the comradery than the modest game check they receive.

Ultimately, officials will not get every call right, but they must be respected by all student-athletes, coaches and fans. I would call upon all coaches to speak with their student-athletes regarding the respect we owe our working officials. There are many life lessons to be learned through educational-based athletics. Let’s make this a teachable moment for the students we serve.


CSN's Edgy Tim O'Hallaran also wrote a column based off the actions of the two players Friday night, which you can read here.

You can read the entire statement here.

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