Reaction from around the web on Wood's retirement


Kerry Wood's retirement has dominated headlines this Friday. We've been all over the coverage from Wrigley Field, but when such a popular and noteworthy player calls it quits so suddenly, people around the world take notice.

So let's take a peek at what others are saying about Kid K's retirement:

--This was my favorite article of the day. CBSSports' Jon Heyman describes what Wood's career has meant to him. Heyman says that it's not Wood's numbers that resonate with him, but rather the fact that Wood said he didn't care about the money and meant it.

--Joe Posnanski, one of the truly great baseball writers of our time, weighs in on the Wood retirement as well. If something big happens in the world of professional baseball, there may be no better take on the matter than that of Posnanski's.

--Sports Illustrated's Joe Lemire likens Wood's career to a Shakespearean play, and it's hard to say he's wrong on that. Very interesting take here.

--Here's video of Wood running in for his final appearance ever.

--Kerry said his slider was his main weapon that day he struck out 20 back in 1998.

--Is Kerry Wood the latest victim of the Cubs' legacy?

--CBSChicago's Adam Hoge says Kerry Wood's career is anything but irrelevant.

--Andrew Fisher from RantSports, a Chicago-based blog network run by some really good guys, says Kerry will always be one of the all-time great Cubs.

--John Arguello, who does a great job with Tom Loxas over at CubsDen, takes a look back at Kerry's 20 strikeout game that earned him the nickname "Kid K."

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