According to multiple sportsbooks, the Bears are the most popular Super Bowl bet of any NFL team


Credit where credit's due: Bears fans back up their optimism.  

As Year 2 (Or Nagy 202, or The Last Season Before Their Cap Situation Gets Dicey, or whatever you want to call it) begins, it's a safe bet to say that Bears fans are a hopeful bunch. 

And hey, speaking of safe bets, here's an example: according to ESPN, no NFL team has gotten more Super Bowl bets than the Bears. 

On Monday morning, the mothership's David Purdum published a story on how the Bears (and the Browns, but they've gotten enough press and we're not NBC Sports Cleveland) are getting a lot of love from people with spare cash. 

"There are more bets on the Bears to win the Super Bowl than there are on any other team at multiple sportsbooks. The Browns are right behind the Bears in Super Bowl bets. "It's been kind of overwhelming, the support [for the Bears]," said Alan Berg, the senior oddsmaker for Caesars Sportsbook. "Every time the Bears go to the playoffs, the following year, the money just pours in. Everybody gets optimistic."

This, of course, checks out. There is no Trubisky overthrow, no shanked field goal from 38, and no veteran whooping on an undrafted rookie that can sway Bears fans from their steadfast belief that the Bears Are Going To Win The Super Bowl, So Take That Jason La Canfora. 

Need more examples? Without all the forced snark? How about the fact that at one prominent Vegas sportsbook, Bears fans got Trubisky's MVP odds to move 200-1 to 50-1. And are still mad about 50-1! 

Bless Bears fans, and bless their optimism. The lasting burn of Double Doink can only be soothed by jumping on 9-1 while it's offered. 

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