Ex-Bears WR Brandon Marshall ‘ashamed' he didn't kneel back in 2016


As Colin Kaepernick's protests against police brutality continue to remain the most relevant NFL conversation in 2020, more and more active and former players are speaking on their own experience with the protests back in 2016. Ex-Bears wide receiver Brandon Marshall gave his own thoughts on the matter in a recent interview with the 'I Am Athlete' podcast

The first thing that came to my mind, and I'm just being honest, was: 'I got a mom that don't work. I got a sister with four kids that don't work and I've been taking care of for 10 years. If I take this knee, what will happen?' And I remember feeling so broken and so hurt that that was the first thing that hit my mind. 'Do I kneel for the entire community, or do I stand for my mom, my brother, my sister?' And looking back on it, I am ashamed that I didn't take that knee. But I am so excited now about with the video that just came out with the NFL players, because now I feel like they don't have to make that decision. They don't have to think about that anymore. If they want to take a knee, you think Nike's going to drop them?

Marshall's experience echoes what many NFL players are saying, including Bears' safety Jordan Lucas. While the Bears have stated that any decision on kneeling in 2020 would be made as a team, Lucas said he intends to protest that way this coming season. 

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