MLB News

White Sox fan pulls ridiculous nacho stunt in viral clip

A White Sox fan wound up with a self-inflicted face full of nachos at Tuesday's game against the Blue Jays

NBC Universal, Inc.

White Sox fans are making their own fun at the ball park amid the team's worst start to a season in franchise history.

On Tuesday, as the White Sox trailed the Blue Jays 4-1 in the sixth inning, the cameras caught one fan enjoying his nachos.

A little too much, that is.

During the White Sox game on Tuesday night, a fan is seen COVERED in nachos

After being filmed neck-deep in a bowl of melted cheese and sour cream, the fan came up for air before diving right back into the ball park delicacy. His friends looked on in both amusement and concern.

The White Sox broadcast booth sat stunned, too.

"I know the food at the ball park is good, but that is next level," play-by-play analyst John Schriffen said.

Somehow, the situation became even more volatile when the fan forewent a napkin in favor of the inside a sweatshirt to wipe his sauce-stained face.

It's hard to say whether the goal of this stunt was to grab some NBC Sports Chicago airtime. Either way, this fan will forever be part of the lore of the 2024 White Sox season.

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